
Thursday, February 10, 2011


While I was getting a hair-cut today, I was transported back in time when visiting the barber-shop was like visiting the dentist, (or like going to your piano-lesson when you know you haven't practised!) Basically, I could feel that sense of anxiety and worry for an unpleasant 15 minutes; where a stranger with no sense of personal hygiene runs a pair of blunt scissors through your hair, pulling it out, and pushing your head left and right, pretending you were some sort of rag-doll with a head that can turn 360 degrees!

However, my parents were sympathetic to my plight, and used to listen helplessly as I complained. Unlike the young mother I saw today. She came with her young son whom I presume studied in the Second Grade. While the barber was trying to cut his hair, she was the one shouting at him asking him to hold his head still, and pushing his head down herself when he didn't know how to. And I thought to myself. This is the ultimate betrayal! When you thought you could rely at least on your parents through this difficult ordeal, they break your trust, yielding to the pressures of conformity in the barber-shop, instead, of at least having the fun of watching the barber struggle as you refuse to conform!

I have seen kids become constant class-toppers because of this sort of up-bringing, and I have also seen kids cave in to peer-pressure later on. What struggle would it be, for a parent to tight-rope-walk the thin balance between disciplining your child and giving him his dose of TLC. It reminds me of the Calvinist-Arminian Debate! 

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Allergic to books

Recently I put up a status-update on my Facebook account that said I was allergic to books, and then made a half-clever remark about the ebook revolution. Though not many on facebook know, it is very true. I AM allergic to books. Especially the ones in the library! I think it's the dust or the book mold, but whatever it is, whenever I open a book, my throat gets blocked, and I cannot breathe, and I end up coughing, and reeking with bad-breath.

The frustration is that most of what is so valuable to me is on paper and no where else. Unless somebody shows me how to find whatever I need from whichever book online - for free or for a very low price. (It is interesting how I now associate anything soft-copy with being free. What has piracy done!) Anyway, this is just a shoutout whoever happens to pop into my blog today. I need your prayers desperately! I have a fourteen page assignment to finish tonight. (16 hours, max) and I have a fever. I have 3 books I must read (I guess I'll use a bed-sheet or something to cover the nose) and 16 articles. And I need the brain-power to last (and focus) for the next 16 hours...