
Friday, December 07, 2007

Laugh at this...

This is a test whether you've been a fan of old english sitcoms such as Yes Minister, Are You being Served, Mind your language, etc... Enjoy the following video, and laugh your heart out... If you can..

Interestingly, all the sitcoms mentioned above have laugh tracks... The irritating background that goes 'hahahahaa' with the video piece... In spite of the fact the video is not at all funny, if you laugh along with the laugh-tracks, it shows, you have been well 'Pavlov-trained'... A process of conditioning.. Where you feel like laughing whenever you hear a laugh-track.
Well, did you laugh? Tell me ... I'd like to know

1 comment:

Senmami said...

Hail Pavlov!!! Sam its more like ... i'm laughing at the laughter and it seems as if suddenly the clips funny!!! :P There i go...experiment a success!