
Monday, December 15, 2008

Body-weight Challenge!

I feel young again! I know most of my readers are older than me and would think I've gone nuts, but it's been a long time since I did something really athletic. Fooling around in the badminton courts and

tennis courts never managed to take the breath of me (though the occasional morning runs did). After coming to Dwarka, I never bothered anything to do with exercise until I saw some circuit training vid on youtube. This nice chap suggested a half an hour body-weight challenge which consisted of...

pullups x 5

jumps x 10

pushups x 15

walking lunges x 10 perside

chin-ups x 5

mountainclimber x 10perside

rows x 10

oneleg deadlift x 10 perside

bike-crunches x25

stepups x 15 perside

Elevated pushups x15

The challenge is to repeat the entire set of exercises as many times as possible in under half an hour.

I decided I should give it a try for old time's sake, so I walked home from work (a three kilometer walk) and gave it a try. I really feel charged up and my mind is so much more clearer(Though I stink a bit more now.) It's been a long time since I have had this whole body workout, and I feel like I can run the 100 mts in under 13 seconds once again!For the record, I performed decently at 2 full repetitions in under half an hour.

Now, for the real work out... Handwashing 6 shirts one pair of pants, one woolen sweater 4 pairs of shorts in cold water! Let's hope I will have the strength to crawl back into bed after that!!!

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