
Tuesday, January 08, 2013


If only making a video was as simple as typing down a blog-post. apparently, when making a video, writing only is 10% of the effort. While blogging, once you've finished writing, the only thing remaining is to find that 'publish' button. 

But my new profession requires that I learn this amazing art of expression; and through experience and intensive youtube diy sessions, I've begun to observe movies and tele-serials not for their entertainment, but to see how the director decided to use the 3 point lighting set-up. And slowly I'm beginning to really appreciate the amount of work that's put into a movie. Producing a movie is like running a 300 million dollar company under a dead-line. 

But whatever we produce, be it text or a fancy video, what's more important is the ability of the artist/writer/script-writer to convey the message through whatever media he chooses. At the end, what we says matters more than how we say it. 

(This was a lame post, but it'll get better, I promise)

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