
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Ranting at sociology!

To all my professors and research scholars, please don't take the following seriously. I'm merely an ignorant ranter! If you are not used to taking things lightly, I suggest you click the 'next blog' link on the top of the page.

Life is more complex that Pierre Bordeaux's writing...
Well, of course, you would respond with a cheery grin saying that if life was actually as easy to understand (and as boring) as J.K.Rowling, it wouldn't be worth living. Hmm... You've made your point there, my man. But I have a feeling that this not-so-simple life definitely doesn't need to be studied so much, at least the way we're doing at the School of Social Sciences, JNU! The amount of theories desperate bored thinkers have put into mere sociology is mindboggling! I thought these theories would relate more to practical life, where we would get to use these theories for the greater good of human-kind! But no! For the past two-hundred years, great thinkers have come and gone, giving their 'seminal contributions' to the world of philosophy, sociology, and what not, and what has that helped!

Wake up all you academicians! (I consider myself a 'wide-awake, half-baked' academician) Don't you realize that no one is investing in you! They know that you don't have anything practical to offer to the world, for the betterment of human-kind! Most of us merely want to have our head in the clouds, and take an arial view of society, history, and life itself! All you know to do is to criticize everything in society, and form utopias in your heads and in your fat books! But c'mon do you all actually think that the rest of the world is that stupid! Well, they also want utopia to exist, you know, but they have already figured out that if it hasn't happened for the past so many years, it never will. So why bother trying!

Do you also realize that you are mere parasites to the world! Tell me one great contribution to the world! (If you mumble about some great work by some great bearded moss-laden thinker, please stuff a dozen copies of that book down your throat before you do so) All you have fed the world is great thought! And you consider yourself great learned people! There are so many people working hard, scratching the surface, trying to make the world a better place, while you berate them about their ignorance! We don't need great thought. We need action. If you can shed some light and get you hands dirty, maybe, you'll begin to respect youself!

Well, all steam has been released, and now I'll have to get back to reading "The Habermas Reader" by William Outhwaite (1996) Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

David Joseph said...

Hey Sam!
sorry for the late reply! tell u the truth which I can't believe myself...when all those so called great kinda ppl write stuff in economics and other subjects by which most ppl end up criticizing the person who said it...I have come to the stage of appreciating them!!...

LOL!..I guess thats mainly because I don't read anything...!!

Anyway..All the best and take care!