
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Floating Leaf (once again)

After listening to Younger Doctor's testimony of how she got her vision, and watching her work tirelessly with great discipline, zeal and "consistency", there's one word that comes to mind. Powerboat. Moving swiftly with purpose, cutting across the water toward the finish-line ahead.
May be this is why God has not given me a vision or a dream for the future yet. If one sets his eyes on a long-term goal, I feel the first rule would be to not take them off it till the end. Obviously, I'll find that very hard to do. Ever since I was a child, I have (much to my parents' disappointment) never been able to keep focussed in one goal for a long period of time. When I was in the fifth standard, I begged my parents to let me join the Karate class after school. After they spent a small fortune on my karate suit (the pajamas and the works), an ID card, I suddenly stopped going. Just like that! Ever since, I was always interested in one... million things at the same time. My interests in the past years have shifted from sports to music to object manipulation to sketching to... I started with badminton (spurred by my father's enthusiasm rather than mine) shifted to Table Tennis, then to basketball (for a very short stretch) then athletics, and finally volleyball! The moment I actually started getting into the circuit and making a name for myself, I dropped out of it, and now I can't say with confidence that I know all the rules. It's the same case with everything else.
If you ask me which direction I'm going, I can't tell you for sure. I've been going in all directions these past 22 years, I'm not sure I'm going left or right or up or down right now. I'm jumping from one ice-block to another in a vast river, going down stream and upstream at the same time.
As powerboats zoom past the floating leaf, he wonders as he bobs up and down in the waves they've created... Will he ever grow up to be one?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

enjoyed reading it most of the population on this planet will be able to identify with you. Its just a few who strive to reach their goal. When people like us set 101 goals within a second can certainly not reach any of them, that is why life is so interesting. If everyone succeeds in what they do there won't be any to appreciate them!! The few achievers depend on us you see.....