
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Locked in Boredom

It happens over and over and over again. Every time I prepare for my exams, the only thing that goes on in my mind are the things I need to do after the exams get over. Surprisingly, you finish these required things faster than you thought you would take.

I used to invent new games i would play during my summer vacation during when i was supposed to be preparing for the examinations prior to the vacation. However, once the holidays begin, i realize that after a few weeks of serious play, I got bored of those games. And every time, i would say to myself that I need to break this continuity as soon as possible, but here i am, stuck up in this circle of boredom again.

Life in JNU was great.. No matter how much I complain about how bad the college is, and how much the system stinks, it is a great place. With the JNUCF (JNU Christian Fellowship) and other things (like really cool friends) in my life, life in JNU was great fun! I realized that if two bored people who like fun sit down together, things can really liven up. (of course, not as much as when four fun people sit down together)

Well, now that I am at home, I have absolutely nothing to do. Actually, there are so many things that I can do, but the computer, and 'Friends' (My brother is downloading all 12 seasons of the series off the net) that doesn't let me do these things. And to think that I was actually planning to read a little bit of feminist literature! Even now, I don't know a single feminist thinker!!

So, I do realize that there are many things I can do to pass the time more meaningfully, productively and satisfactorily. Its just that I'm too lazy and do these things. Well, who said working hard cannot be fun? and who said that you can have fun just lazing around? I'm telling you man, it's driving me crazy!

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